I'd like to give a shout out to my favorite aunt in Martin county! What's up Rita?! My mother informed me that you have missed reading my blog terribly so I thought I had better enrich your life and start writing again! It has been a long time since I posted here. I'd like to say it's because I have been so incredibly busy that I just couldn't find time, but no one is that busy.
Life has been busy...apparently I am a sucker and I decided to coach T-Ball this year. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into, and I was a little nervous about coaching a dozen 4 and 5 year olds. I was pleasantly surprised though. I have enjoyed the experience more than I thought I would, and even though after the first couple of practices I swore I'd never do it again thoughts of a repeat performance have crept into my mind. Even Isaac and I have coexisted on the same team without coming to blows! Ha, actually I have been very proud of Isaac. He has matured a lot playing T-ball. He still gets a little pouty when he can't field all the balls, but he doesn't demonstrate his displeasure by throwing his glove and having a little tantrum any more. Now if I could just keep his mother calm on the sideline!
I share this experience because I have learned some lessons, and I think those lessons speak to all of us. Lesson #1 is don't stand to close to a 4 or 5 year old with a bat. It is amazing how much power they can generate with a swing, and they always like to practice their swing! Lesson #2 is to not be afraid to try new things and step up to help out. I certainly didn't know a thing about coaching T-Ball. I had never done it before, and if you're close enough family you know I do not always have the most patience. But, the town was desperate and I decided to give it a try. You'd have to ask the parents if I'm an adequate T-Ball coach, but the lesson isn't about that. I learned that sometimes you just need to step up and volunteer. God wants to help us and use us, but how many times have we said no to something because w don't think we're qualified, or we think someone else will do it, or we believe we're just too busy. We miss so many opportunities to let God work through us and bless and us a others around us because we don't just step up. There are numerous opportunities for you to help in your community and your church. Remember with God anything is possible. We just need to be willing to take a chance and say we're willing to help. 80% of the work in the church, and most volunteer organizations frankly, is done by 20% of the people. Which side of the percentage are you on and why?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
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