Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Blogging will resume on December 27th...Enjoy the Christmas break and remember to pause and find Jesus in all of this hustle and bustle.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I am convinced that God has a sense of humor. How else can you go from 50 degrees one day to 0 degrees the next? Seriously, I went from jeans and a t-shirt to wondering if I would freeze solid just by stepping outside. You know God was having a good laugh at that. Why do we live here again?
As I'm sure most of you are aware Christmas is rapidly approaching. If you don't have your Christmas shopping done for me yet I can always accept cash and/or gift cards to restaurants! I don't skip many meals. Isaac asks me almost every day on our way to the bus if it is Christmas yet. He has one of those chocolate calendars that you open a window and pull the chocolate out that helps him count down the days. His excitement is contagious and I find myself anticipating the morning they see what Santa has brought them. Of course we can't put any presents under the tree until that night because Alex has figured out what you do with wrapped boxes and he'd be into them in a flash. Speaking of anticipation do we joyfully anticipate the celebration of the birth of our Savior?
There was an email going around about a song that talks about a little boy who is in a mall and asks his mom why all these people are standing in line. She explains to him they are waiting to see Santa. The little boy then asks where's the line to see Jesus? Good question. I know we hear from time to time to remember the reason for the season, and we may honestly try our best to keep the Christ in Christmas...whoa cliche alert....but it is hard and the noise and hustle and bustle of the season easily drown out any notion of religion. What would happen to Christmas if we waited as eagerly for Jesus as we do Santa?
Now I'm not a scrooge. I enjoy the presents and I have no problem with my kids believing in Santa, but I'm always a little conflicted this time of year. It seems that we want Jesus to be part of our lives, but we don't want to put the effort forth to make this happen. We either treat Jesus like a Gennie in a bottle granting our wishes, or we only listen to the comforting words of Jesus. It seems that when Jesus starts pointing out areas of our lives that are lagging, or we find we are challenged either with time, talent or money to give more we tend to let Jesus fall by the wayside. We tend to pick and choose. I know it doesn't work that way. I also know I've been guilty of this selective listening too. What I know is if you want Jesus alive in your heart then you need all of him. You need the comfort and the pain he sometimes brings. The pain in being shown where you fall short and then the comfort and strength to work out the rough spots. But, Jesus can't fully work in your life if you just pick and choose when you want him to be in your life. If you're wondering why you can't feel his presence as powerfully as you'd like, then examine your relationship with Jesus. Are you a picky consumer, or do you allow him into all aspects of your life?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Another post already!

Can anyone else believe it is almost Christmas?! I was having coffee today at the cafe and someone mentioned it's less than 3 weeks till Christmas. Didn't I just get done stuffing myself with turkey and mashed potatoes! Time moves along so fast one has to consciously slow down to take it all in.

Around our house that past couple of days it has been decorating time. Thankfully this year we've decided not to go all out on the exterior of the house. I convinced Tracy that it is too cold and I can't risk frostbite on my fingers or getting a serious case of pneumonia! How would I work? So we've decided to just put some pretty Christmas trees outside our window and put the indoor tree right in front of our big picture window. I'm sure we'll put some lights around the outside, but Tracy and Isaac have volunteered for that. The real show is in Isaac's room! He as lights hanging from the ceiling!

We finally broke down and bought a nice, pre-lit, fake Christmas tree this year. The real trees are nice, but man are they messy. Plus, with Alex touching everything I'm not sure there would be needles on the bottom 3 feet of the tree! I miss the fresh scent of pine, but the tree does look nice. Yesterday, Tracy and Isaac were busy putting the decorations on the tree. Every two minutes we'd remind Isaac to spread the decorations out, but non-the-less there is about a three foot square section of tree loaded with ornaments! I was laughing as Tracy was trying to get him to spread them out, and then I was a little saddened because in a blink of an eye I bet we are wishing we had this problem to deal with. Soon enough the boys will be "too old" to help decorate the tree or be moved out of the house. I have a strict policy that at 18 you can visit, but you no longer call mom and dad's house your permanent residence!

As Tracy and Isaac finished decorating, or more truthfully Tracy finished because Isaac watched a movie with me, I consciously took the afternoon's festivities in. We are very blessed to be able to decorate a nice warm home, and we are doubly blessed to have presents under the tree and our health. Time moves so fast, and we take so much for granted, that it is imperative that we remember how lucky we are. If you are so blessed, give your family a little extra hug this Christmas season. Find a way to reach out and bless someone less fortunate. This Christmas season, as we do every Christmas, our church has "adopted" a family. This year we need your help in getting the kids some presents and the family some much needed necessities. Will you please prayerfully consider helping them out?