Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to school...!

It is fun to see all the pictures of the kiddos getting ready for the first day of school.  It is also fun to read all the sappy Facebook posts about how no one can believe how fast time goes and their kids shouldn't be this old yet.  While I agree with most of that I can't get Cliff Huxtable out of my head when it comes to kids leaving for college.  If you don't remember Cliff Huxtable he's Bill Cosby from the "The Cosby Show" in the '80s and you should look it up.  I remember each time one of his kids turned 18 he'd have their suitcases packed and by the door eagerly waiting for them to be out of the house and on their own.  I believe one specific episode he had most, if not all, of the kids out of the house and he was ready for some peace and quiet, but alas someone moved back in.  The image of him and suitcases by the door has always stuck with me, and I've consciously began drilling into my boys' heads that when they hit 18 they're off to college and out of the house!  I don't know if momma is down with that plan but you've got to start early!
Now I'm in no hurry for the boys to grow up, but I think I might be ready for some peace and quiet after 20 some  years of rambunctious boys in the house.  I suppose after a week of the quiet I'll be wanting the noise again, but for now let me dream of having my house back!
As the school year begins, and we're reminded just how fast time really does fly, we need to make sure we're slowing down and not missing everything.  I think a lot as my boys grow up so fast of all the things I want to do with them yet, and if I'm not intentional about doing them then time is going to slip away and they'll be off with families of their own.  I'm also reminded of my relationship with the Spirit and how if I'm not intentional with that it gets pushed back  and neglected.  It is so easy to get busy with life, and time flies by, and before you know it it's too late to do some of the things you wanted to do.  Or, you've been so busy you've neglected your walk with the Spirit and then when you really need that connection it takes a little time to tune back in because you've been tuned out for so long. 
So, as the school year begins let's take a moment to think about what's important in our lives and prioritize them.  God, family, job, other...does that look like your priority list?  If it doesn't then what comes before God and family, and is that truly more important than them?  I certainly hope not!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


We just finished up another great year of VBS!  What a joy it was to partner with the Neola Presbyterian church and see a group of about 80 kids come and have a blast and learn a little something too.  The program on Sunday was pretty cool if I do say so myself.  Again, I want to say thank you to everyone who helped with VBS in anyway, and a special thank you to Tracy for all her hard work in organizing and running the VBS.
As I talked about during my sermon it was neat to see and feel the kids enthusiasm.  It was neat to watch the kids get into the singing and dancing more and more.  The first time we sang the songs some of the kids were pretty reserved and didn't get too involved.  By the end of the first night they were really getting into both the words and the actions of the songs.  The final couple of nights I think they were eagerly waiting to sing along with the songs.  It was also neat to talk with the kids and hear about what they learned and what they took away from the whole week.  If you were there to see it the kids energy was infectious and it made your day no matter how tired you thought you were.
As I reflected on their eagerness to learn I wondered where our eagerness to learn about and serve God goes.  How come as we get older that unbridled enthusiasm is harder and harder to find.  Ok, I'll admit there is no way we will have the same energy as 3 year old's through 5th graders, but how come it is hard to find that joy?  Think about the energy in church if we all came with the same eagerness to see what we could learn about God and experience the Spirit's presence.  How different would our worship experience be if we really let our whole selves get involved in the worship service?  I'm not advocating for dancing in the aisles and a lot of hootin and hollerin', but maybe a small change in our attitude.  Instead of walking into the sanctuary with our minds full of lists of things to do, minds tired from having to be up before noon, or whatever else gets in our way of fully engaging in worship, how would we connect with God if we were simply eager to see what we could learn and experience again?!
So, the next time you're settling into worship take some time to clear your mind and prepare yourself to experience the Spirit in a new and exciting way.