Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sweet Vacations

Aren't vacations wonderful?!  Although I don't think they ever last long enough.  And, wouldn't it be nice if we could ease back into the work week?  Maybe work 1/4 day the first day, 1/2 day the next, then 3/4 of a day and finally a full day on the week we return to work.  I think I'm going to talk to the boss and see if I can make that a policy here at church!  Seriously though...adjusting back into the real world after taking some time off can be jarring.  I believe vacations, time away from the rat race, are a vital part of our lives.  And maybe because starting that rat race up again when we return from vacation is so hard it is a sign that we need to get away.

Taking time off has almost become a four letter word.  We feel we have to put in the extra hour or 4 and maybe come in on Saturdays and Sundays because if we don't get the work done then they'll find someone who will.  I understand that there are times when you need to work extra hours, but we need to be aware when those extra hours start to hurt our productivity at work and our productivity at home.  I know I don't work as hard or efficiently when I feel like all I've been doing is working.  We need to find time to get away and relax and recharge. 

Relaxing and recharging is different for everyone.  And everyone has different schedules and demands in their lives and at work.  But the Lord created the Sabbath for a reason, and I believe that reason is because we need to get away from the daily grind to remind us there's more to life then the 8 to 5.  There is more to life then the pursuit of the that next promotion and raise.  Providing for the family is more than bringing home a paycheck.  Providing also means being there as a spouse and parent.  If I've said it once I've said it a million times...we need to find time to reconnect and recharge.  Reconnect and recharge with God, with our families, with our friends, and with our selves.  If we don't do that then we risk becoming over worked and stressed out.  I don't know about you but I am no fun to be around when I'm over worked and stressed out...ask my wife!  Find some time to take a walk with the family, take some of that vacation time you've been saving up and take a trip.  You'd be amazed at what just a little time away can do to one's well being.

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