Monday, November 17, 2014

What a weekend!

It is the Monday after the annual church dinner and sale.  I would have to say it was a great success.  We had so many people come for the turkey dinner that we ran out of food!  Don't worry...for those that came towards the end and didn't get fixins I've offered a free meal at our next church dinner!  The Sunday school kids did a great job singing and I think the sale itself went very well too.  Before I forget let me say thank you  once again to everyone who contributed to the wonderful day!  It would not have been such a great day without everyone's help!
I know a lot of people want to know how much money was raised, and I suppose that has a bearing on how successful the day was, but on the other hand I can say it was a success even if we broke even after all the expenses.  It is always good for the church family to come together and work towards a common goal.  It is always good to see new faces and some familiar faces you haven't seen in awhile.  Big events like this remind us that the church is alive and well and that the success of the event is secured simply by the fact that so many people attended and helped out.  It is so easy to get caught up in numbers and membership and budgets and the doom and gloom of the nightly news reports that days like yesterday are essential to our spiritual health.  Days were the church family joins together for a common good reminds us of all the good that surrounds us and reminds us of the wonderful and caring community that all of us are apart of.
Incidentally that's why being a part of and attending church is such a vital part of our spiritual life.  Being part of something bigger, and actually taking part in services, reminds us that we are not alone on this journey called life.  We are reminded that there are a great number of people who are on this journey called life with us, and that those people care about us and are willing to help out when called upon.  Being an active part of the church family reminds us that life isn't all about us either.  We are called to love God and to love neighbor.  Big events in the church life are great, but the "normal" Sundays are important too.  We all need to be reminded from time to time that God loves us, that there is a community that loves us, and that we are part of something much bigger!  Join us on Sunday and bring a friend...won't you?

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