As some of you may, or may not know, it has been a bit of a hectic past few weeks at the Wohlhuter household. Tracy started the process of looking for a new job, and has since accepted a position as US Embassador to Bora Bora, so we are getting ready for some transition. Gonna be a big change in weather patterns. No more going from snow one day and 95 degrees in little over a week, but I think we'll get used to the tropical weather and deep blue ocean. Ok, Ok...Tracy didn't get the Embassador position, but she did accept a position at TD Ameritrade and will start her new job on May 28th. A few neat things happened along the journey to a new job and I wanted to share them with y'all.
As anyone knows making a big decision in life is hard. You want so badly to know that you're making the right decision that you almost paralyze yourself with all your analysis. We want so badly to control everything that when we make a decision that is going to have a large impact on our lives we can really struggle because no matter how much you pray and think about the situation there is a certain amount of unknowns. Has anyone been there? Wouldn't it just be easier if God told us what to do? I suppose it would, but have we ever been real good at listening to God? As Tracy decided she wanted to look for another job we asked a lot of questions and did a lot of praying. At no time did I get a flash of light and hear God's voice directly, and I don't think Tracy did either, but there were some cool "God-things" that happened along the way letting us know everything was going to be alright.
For example she had interviewed at two different companies and one company offered her a position and she was waiting on the other company because she really felt she wanted that position. Well as the time got closer and closer to where she had to make a decision the pressure mounted and after she chose to pursue one job she received an email stating the other job wasn't going to offer her a position. So, good choice there. Another day when she was making some tough choices she read her daily devotional and it spoke almost directly to what she was going through....the devotional spoke about letting go and trusting God and that with new opportunities comes worry, but trust that God will see you through it all. Coincidence that devotional happened to fall on the day she had to make a choice? I think not!
Looking back all along the way signs popped up letting us know we were on the right path. Just little things that you could chalk up to coincidence, but looking at them now you see God's hand in it all. Even if things don't work out as we have envisioned and hoped we know that God will see us through it all. There might be some rough patches, but we know that God will still be guiding us and helping us through. The whole experience was a neat reminder that even though God doesn't generally speak through lightening or direct booming voice we could see and feel God's hand in the process. So, if you are struggling with a tough decision know that no matter what the outcome God will still be with you, and if you heard the sermon on Sunday never underestimate the power of prayer! God will help guide just need to know how to listen!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
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I call them "nudges". Sometimes barely or not perceptible at the time, but over a longer timeframe you look back and see how and where you got "nudged" along the way.