Monday, June 23, 2014

My sacrifice...? Surely you don't mean me!

I've been reading the book "not a fan." by Kyle Idleman and I'm not sure what to make of it.  The premise of the book is that many Christians are fans of Jesus.  Enthusiastic followers who admire what Jesus has done and what he can do to help them, but they aren't true followers.  Mr. Idleman would say that when the going gets tough or Jesus truly asks for a sacrifice or a change of life followers will do so and fans will fall away.  I guess if I boiled the book down to one sentence it might be this: if you want to consider yourself a true follower of Jesus then your life has to reflect some sort of sacrifice or real commitment to follow beyond lip service and rule following.  I can honestly say I like parts of the book and some parts I don't agree with, but it has gotten me thinking.
One question in particular was asked, "What have you sacrificed to follow Jesus?"  Huh...think about that question for a minute I'll wait.  Did you come up with something?  I know that question has stuck with me after reading it.  On one hand I don't want to think that Jesus may ask me to sacrifice, job security, a friendship, my comfortable location in order to follow him more closely.  Frankly I like where I am in life and I may be resistant to change and or sacrifice.  On the other hand I do believe that our Christian walk has to involve some sort of sacrifice and there has to be some evidence that my life as a follower of Jesus is different.  How did you answer that question?  What is Jesus asking you to do?  Does it involve some sacrifice?  Are you willing to go there?  Not fun questions, but necessary ones.
I tend to gravitate to the stories of Jesus that talk about grace, unconditional love, and forgiveness.  I like hearing those because it comforts me to know Jesus offers all of those things.  I don't tend to spend enough time on the stories of Jesus challenging the power elite and religious authorities and where he offers challenges that seem to ask too much or make me uncomfortable.  I want to explain those stories away as Jesus talking to someone else and not me, but in fact Jesus is talking directly to me and to you.  I know all this talk about sacrifice and being challenged as to how you order and live your life can be uncomfortable, but they are a necessary balance.
I think we do ourselves an injustice, and limit Jesus' work in us, when we only focus on the "feel good" stories of Jesus.  Yes grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love are offered to us all the time, but Jesus also asks us for sacrifice and real action in our lives.  We have to offer Jesus more than just lip service and occasional worship.  Our faith can't be something we turn to once in awhile when we need some help through dark times.  Jesus does demand we give him our whole lives and do real work to further his message of unconditional love, forgiveness and grace.  I guess the question becomes what have you done in your life to show you are a follower of Jesus?  Are we willing to offer some real sacrifice in our lives?  Is Jesus important enough to us to place him as our greatest love and head of our whole lives?  All absolutely necessary questions and not necessarily fun ones to ask.

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