Monday, November 9, 2009

God's Energy

I have a confession to make. This past Sunday I had zero energy to do church when I got up in the morning. Do you ever have one of those mornings when you get up and all you want to do is go back to bed? You don't have the gumption to face the day and a few more hours spent under the covers would be perfect. Well that was me on Sunday. I can't even blame Alex for keeping us up because he slept pretty good. I don't know what it was. I didn't feel very perky. I asked Tracy if she wanted to preach for me and she politely declined. So I got up and went about my day. Amazingly the Spirit met me at the church doors and I was given the shot in the arm that I needed. Those that were at the worship service on Sunday can be the judge if that shot did any good, but it sure helped me out mentally and spiritually. Now if that dumb computer would only get that shot!

I'm amazed at how many times I have found myself grumpy or low on energy or feeling sorry for myself and had the Spirit come and lift me up. Sometimes I ask for it and sometimes I don't, but each time I certainly needed it and knew I was in the presence of something greater than myself. Ever have those experiences? I hope so. Isn't it wonderful that we have a God that loves us enough, and knows us well enough, that he enters our lives and gives us a boost when we need it most? The creator of the universe has the time to interject in our lives. Truly amazing when you think about it.

The question then moves to how do we thank God for all God has done for us? Do we say a little prayer of thanksgiving? A prayer would be a good start. Do we reflect that grace and mercy shown to us in our own lives? I think living a life that is Spirit filled would be the best way to show God our gratitude for all that has been done for us. During adult Sunday school we discussed what the difference was between being religious and having a relationship with Jesus. One main difference we all agreed on was that having a relationship means our lives have to reflect what we believe and profess. One can be religious...say and do all the right things, but still have no relationship and no evidence of God in the lives. It is impossible to have a true relationship with Jesus, God and/or the Spirit and not have that evidenced in your life.

I left the Sunday school with a question, and I'm going to close with this same question: "If someone who didn't know you at all looked at your life, would they be able to tell you have a relationship with Jesus, God and/or the Spirit?" Take a good look at the life you're living. Could a neutral observer tell you are a Christian? Look beyond church attendance and see if the life you live reflects the words you read in Scripture. I'll admit that I don't always like the answer when I ask myself that question. I try to ask it often and it serves as a reminder that a true relationship has to be reflected in my life. What's reflected in yours?

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