Monday, January 17, 2011

God in a Box

Rev. Nicole Havelka, or Cole, as Isaac kept calling her gave a very thought provoking sermon this past Sunday. She spoke about the ways in which we put God in a box. She talked about how we tend to really limit the ways in which we imagine God working in the world and working in our lives. In the limiting of the ways in which we view God or believe God is working in the world we keep God in a nice little box. She stated that most everyone can tell of a time when God helped them through a sad time, but what about the good times or the times that challenged us and made us grow. Do we see God in those times too?

I think I tend to put God in a box and pull God out when I want to. Sort of like my own personal Gennie(sp?). I will pull God out when I need some help with a situation and/or I want something. Is there something wrong with that? There certainly is, but it is safer to keep God in my little box. If I only see God as helping me with stuff I want then I don't have to listen for God challenging me in other parts of my life. If God stays in my nice little box then I can live the life I want. Opps, did you catch the life that I want! Anyone else guilty of keeping God in the box so God doesn't mess up YOUR plans?! Sounds down right silly when you say it out loud.

We know, at least I hope most of us know, that God has the best plan for our life. I know that, but I also know that God's plans sometimes aren't my plans. God's plan may involve some risk, some moving outside of my comfort zone, and maybe some examining of my life. It is easier to just leave God alone inside the box isn't it? Well it might be easier in the short term, but I can almost guarentee that in the long run we're going to miss a lot of opportunities and blessings that God had intended for us. By trying to control everything ourselves we limit what God can do in our lives. Yes, God can break in and still do amazing things, but we miss so much by trying to keep ourselves comfortable and pain free. I know it is no fun to be stretched, challenged, or pushed outside our comfort zone, but if we don't then we never grow. We don't experience new things and we certainly don't mature very much as Christians.

God can't be put in any box. God will still do God's work in the world whether we open the box or not. If we don't expand our knowledge of God, and honestly let God guide our lives then we might do ok, but we will miss so many blessings and joys and chances to spread the Word of love and grace. Yes we might be challenged, but as my old high school coach used to say..."No pain no gain." And there is some truth in that. We need challenge to grow, and without growth there is death. Which side would you rather be on? Think about it...

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