Monday, March 5, 2012

Chicken Coma

We survived another year of the SW Iowa "famous" Staley's chicken dinner here at church. What a glorious turnout. If my memory serves, and that is a BIG if, I believe we had the best crowd since I've been here. We served more than 350 people! I know what a big undertaking this is, and it takes a lot of people and hard work to pull this dinner off. My heart is always warmed seeing people working and having a little bit of fun doing it.
I was asked if this was a fundraiser for the church. The dinner does raise some money, but I see value in hosting the dinner that goes beyond the money. Where else do you see kids serving others water and coffee...where else do you see generations working side by side and enjoying doing so...where else do you see so many faces, both new and old, working together towards a common goal? I know some of the jobs aren't all that fun, and it can be tiring working for those few hours, but knowing we are helping serve a bigger purpose makes it all worth it in my mind.
So, thank you to EVERYONE who had a hand in making this dinner a huge success! Thank you also to all who came an enjoyed the food and fellowship. I look forward to seeing you all again soon!

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