Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Well, I never thought it would least not while I lived in SW Iowa. My lawn has been mowed before April! Unreal!!! I know this may not be politically or even environmentally correct, but if this past winter and subsequent sprint are the results of global warming I'm all for it! I cannot believe how green everything is already, and how hard the spring fever bug has hit me.

As spring continues on and we get into summer I did have a sobering moment last night with Tracy. We had sat down and began to plan our summer, and apparently our summer is filled up already! It isn't even April and we're scrambling to fit everything we want to do in the summer into the summer. Everyone keeps telling me that as the boys get older we will get even busier, but I'm not sure that's possible.

I know as a pastor I should make some deep theological point here about our busy lives and making time for the Spirit and God, but I've spoken about that enough. I think for today I'm just going to leave you with a thought...What is one thing you really want to do this summer? Think of one thing...whatever it is I want you to go to your calendar and find time to do it. Write it down, block off the time, and make sure you get to it. If you don't, summer is going to be gone, you'll be raking leaves, and preparing the shovel. Don't wake up one cold fall day and wish you would have made time to do it...git-r-done!

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