Monday, July 22, 2013


Whoa!!!  We survived RAGBRAI!  What an interesting experience to say the least.  We made some money for the youth group and we got to see and talk to a lot of interesting people.  Even though it was fun and interesting I'm glad we don't have to do it every year!  There is a lot of planning and work that goes on in preparing for that event.  All the planning and work that went into getting ready made me think a lot about how we get busy in life and before we know it life is rushing by so fast we look back and wonder what we've missed.
The sermon this week focused on the story of Mary and Martha.  Jesus visited their house and while Martha busied herself making the guests feel comfortable Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to him talk.  Martha, as would any of us I think, asked Jesus to tell Mary to get off her butt and help with the work of meal preparation.  But, instead of Jesus siding with Martha he said that Mary had chosen the right thing by sitting and listening to him.  So, in this story Jesus seems to be saying it's okay to sit by and let someone else work!  Well not exactly, but I believe this story is a reminder that sometimes we get so busy in our lives that we don't have time to relax, recharge and listen for Jesus.  Usually what happens is we work ourselves so much we are either forced to stop because we get physically ill and our bodies make the decision for us, or we get so burnt out and frustrated we just can't handle it anymore.
The story of Jesus' visit with Martha and Mary reminds us that while doing work, whether it be volunteer or job related or church related or whatever, is important, but it has to be balanced with rest, relaxation and recharging.  God rested on the 7th day, Jesus often went off and prayed by himself, why do we find it a badge of honor to work ourselves silly?  Somehow we think that taking time for ourselves, and perhaps even saying "no" once in awhile is taboo.  Do we have a martyr complex?  Do we like to show others how busy we are and how "important" we are because of all the stuff we can juggle?  Will it not get done if we don't do it?  How do we know what can get done if we don't let someone else do it?  How do we expect more help if we're always the ones saying we'll do it and take care of it?  Jesus himself is telling us that if we're too busy to find time to listen to him and find time to rest, relax, and recharge then he isn't impressed with our work. In fact, he would say slow down and stop it.
We aren't doing anyone any favors trying to be super dad/mom/friend/coworker/brother/sister/volunteer if in the end we become so tired and burnout that we're resentful towards the work we do.  We need to learn to recognize when we're becoming too busy.  The signs are different for everyone, but if you see your family less then coworkers and others's your sign.  If you realize that you are starting to resent the work you've volunteered to do's your sign.  If you find yourself short and snippy with people's your sign.  Of course there are times in our lives when responsibilities take a front seat to anything else, but if that starts to become the norm instead of the exception then I think a priority check is in order.  And I certainly hope that finding time to spend with the Spirit and Jesus isn't pushed back, because that is time that you will find rewarding beyond any work you do...I promise!

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