Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Dad at church"

The family and I spent the weekend at my folk's place in southern MN.  It was a good chance to get away, see family, and let the kids play with the cousins for awhile.  We even got do to some grilling in a park and let the kids burn off some energy playing on the playground equipment.  One of the best things in life is eating a pork burger while you watch your kids run themselves out of energy with the knowledge they'll sleep good that night!  Although topping the meal off with an ice cream cone before we went home may have defeated that purpose.

Fun and games aside I was done proud by one of my boys at church Sunday.  Since I wasn't preaching I had the rare opportunity to actually sit and participate in a worship service.  The whole family went to my home church on Sunday morning and it was a very cool experience.  I didn't realize how much food it takes to keep two boys quiet for a whole hour!  I think I need to give Tracy some more kudos for watching the children during church...So the time came for the children's sermon and my two boys walked up hand in hand and sat still for the lesson (shocking I know).  The pastor asked each child what was important in his/her life.  Which, was a pretty deep question if you ask me.  The microphone came to Isaac and he was playing the shy kid, so Alex stepped up, and what he said melted my heart.  Alex says, and I quote, "Dad at church."  Couldn't believe he came up with that all by himself. 

I have no idea how he came up with that, but daddy's pride swelled a little that morning.  His response got me to thinking about what we do find as important in life.  Maybe a better question is what would our children, friends, and/or family think is important in our life?  We can talk a good game sometimes, but our actions and where we spend our energy paints the best picture of what we find as important.  What would someone say is important to us based on their observations?  I thought about that for awhile and I didn't always like what I came up with.  It does us good to step back and take a look at where our energy is focused.  Is there balance in our lives between, home, work, God, and play?  Would someone say to us our focus is too much on work?  Would someone say to us our focus is too much on play?  How do you want people to view you, or more importantly how do you think your actions reveal to others where your energy goes?  Remember...actions speak louder than words.

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