Monday, April 9, 2012

I needed that...!

Well, we survived Holy Week! Services were a success, the Sunday school kids and confirmation kids did a fantastic job during the youth service, and the sunrise service was at least average or slightly above! I get a kick out of pastors who like to talk about how busy Easter week is, and don't get me wrong it is a busier than normal week with an extra service or two, and if you throw in a funeral or something unexpected it can get hectic, but we survive and we don't have to work again until Sunday morning so we'll have time to recharge!

Tracy and I were planning out our summer the other night and we already have every weekend filled with something. It truly is unbelievable how quickly the summer fills up and then flies by. As I get older, and wiser, I try to sit back and enjoy all that we have going on now. I imagine there will come a time when I will wish I was chasing a 2 and 5 year old around the yard because they found another place to dig a hole or dump the sand from the sand box. I also imagine there will come a time when I wish my biggest worry for them right now is if Isaac is in the red cup at school or if they are getting some kind of sickness. I also imagine I'll find other things along the way I wish I'd tried to enjoy more.

So, as the summer starts and time continues to fly by I'm going to try and continue to remind myself to stop for second and enjoy it. Ferris Bueller said it, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." If we keep wishing/hoping/expecting the next thing then we'll miss what's right in front of us. So, my challenge is to enjoy the now...soak up what I can because all too soon we'll be on to something else and the time will have passed. I think we can all use the reminder to try and enjoy life as it comes.

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